Other System Programs: Linker, Loader, Assembler, Text Editor, Compiler

A utility program that combines several separately compiled modules into one, resolving internal differences between them.
When a program is assembled/compiled, an intermediate form is produced into which it is necessary to incorporate libraries, and any other modules supplied by the user.

A Loader is a utility program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for execution. This is the final sage of the compiling / assembly process. A loader is a program that loads the machine codes of memory. It accepts programs in absolute or re-locatable formats

Software that converts an assembly language program into machine language program(also known as machine code or relocatable code) is known as an assembler. the machine in this case understands only he binary language. So, any program written in a language other than machine language has to be converted in zeros and ones for the machine to understand and process.

Text Editor:
A Program used specifically for entry and modification of data in text format. Such data may be a program written in a high level language, a report in natural language, or a numerical input.
It is a software used to review and modify text materials and other programs interactively. It can be a text editor, screen editor, etc

A Compiler is a system program which accepts program written in a high-level language such as BASIC as input and produces an equivalent output in low level language such as assembly language or machine language, so as to make i machine-readable.

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Anonymous said...
