Boolean Algebra : Introduction

Boolean pronounced as booln is an abstract mathemetical sysem primarily used in expressing the relationships between sets(groups of objects). The English mathemtician George Boole developed this notational system. Such manipulation can demonsrate whether or not a statement is true and show how a complicated statement can be rephrased in a simpler, more convenient form without changing its meaning.
The phrase Boolean operators refer to the system of logic developed by George Boole. The so-called operators are AND, OR, and NOT and more recently terms such as NEAR, IN, and ADJ have been added to the list.
They represent logical ways of combining concepts, words, and ideas. Boolean operators if used in a search statement either narrow, expand, or limit the search result. Two of the most powerful operators are NEAR and ADJ.
NEAR when used between two words means that those words are found near each other in the records
ADJ means that two words are found next to each other in the records.
AND results in key words being located seperately in different documents.
There is a tenuous relationship between Boolean functtions and Boolean expressions in programming languages like C or Pascal.
However the relationship between Boolean Logic and computer systems is much stronger.
There is a one-to-one relationship between Boolean functions and electtronic circuits.

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